Hello! My name is Cameron and I am a game audio professional in the Philadelphia area. I currently work at Bungie as a Senior Technical Audio Designer on Destiny 2.

i specialize in in audio implementation, workflow improvements, tools development, gameplay scripting, and music design.

I program my own games and perform music under the moniker Loadcard.

Prior to my focus in technical game audio, I freelanced as a producer, mixer, and editor on various rock/punk records for artists in the Philadelphia / NYC area. I have credits on recordings that have seen releases through Sub Pop Records, Lame-O records, Julia’s War, Dead Tank Records, Father/Daughter Records, and many others.

for any inquiries:
email :: hello [at]

Shipped titles:

Destiny 2: Episode: Heresy
Destiny 2: Episode: Revenant
Destiny 2: Episode: Echoes
Destiny 2: The Final Shape
Destiny 2: Season of the Wish
Destiny 2: Season of the Witch
Destiny 2: Season of the Deep
Destiny 2: Season of Defiance
Destiny 2: Lightfall
Destiny 2: Season of the Seraph
Destiny 2: Season of Plunder
Destiny 2: Season of the Haunted
Destiny 2: Season of the Risen
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen
Destiny 2: 30th Anniversary Event
Halo Infinite

Bungie, Inc - Destiny 2
Senior Technical Audio Designer
2021 - Present

I am currently working as a Senior Technical Audio Designer for Destiny 2’s evolving world. I provide workflow improvements, implementation, scripting support, and anything that makes content creation easier for the audio team.

343 Industries - Halo Infinite
Technical Music Designer / music editor
2019 - 2021

I was a Technical Music Designer / Music Editor on Halo Infinite’s campaign. I edited large orchestral sessions into assets for both horizontal and vertical music implementation, as well as implementing and creating systems for the assets to flourish in a variety of gameplay scenarios. My technical focus was on the ‘open world’ music functionality.

X Plus Games - SMELTER
technical sound designer
2019 - 2021

I was the Technical Sound Designer for Smelter, in charge of both creating all assets and implementing them into the game using C#, FMOD, and Unity. I scripted many audio systems from scratch including (but not limited to) splines, water interaction, ambience systems, and interactive music systems.


Loadcard - heart attack

Work solo or together (up to 4 players) as you try to extend your patient's life for as long as possible. Avoid contact with the horizontal line to beat your high score. Made in (mostly) 11 days for a Philly Game Mechanics game jam. The game was developed for the Phillytron, a 4-player arcade cabinet featuring games made by Philadelphia developers.


Loadcard - More Wings More Latitude
Julia’s War Records

Production / Recording / Songwriting / Performance

Forth Wanderers - Forth Wanderers Sup Pop RecordsProduction / Recording / Mixing

Forth Wanderers - Forth Wanderers
Sup Pop Records

Production / Recording / Mixing

Kinfeplay - Pearlty Self-ReleasedProduction / Recording / Mixing

Kinfeplay - Pearlty
Topshelf Records

Production / Recording / Mixing

Loadcard - First Scratch Self-ReleasedProduction / Recording / Mixing / Performance

Loadcard - First Scratch

Production / Recording / Mixing / Performance

Forth Wanderers - Slop EP Father/Daughter RecordsRecording / Mixing

Forth Wanderers - Slop EP
Father/Daughter Records

Recording / Mixing

Shannen Moser - I'll Sing Lame-O RecordsProduction / Recording / Mixing

Shannen Moser - I'll Sing
Lame-O Records

Production / Recording / Mixing

En Route - Then Is a Song Flower Girl RecordsRecording / Mixing

En Route - Then Is a Song
Flower Girl Records

Recording / Mixing

Mob Terror - Superstimulus Dead Tank RecordsRecording / Mixing / Mastering

Mob Terror - Superstimulus
Dead Tank Records

Recording / Mixing / Mastering

Superlumiauts - Original Soundtrack Made By LampfireComposition / Mixing

Superlumiauts - Original Soundtrack
Made By Lampfire

Composition / Mixing

Soul Glo - Tour Tape 2K18 Self-ReleasedRecording / Mixing / Mastering

Soul Glo - Tour Tape 2K18

Recording / Mixing / Mastering

Loadcard - Perfect Balance DZ TapesProduction / Recording / Mixing / Performance

Loadcard - Perfect Balance
DZ Tapes

Production / Recording / Mixing / Performance

Earthboy - Bandaid + Chaser Good Sadie MediaProduction / Recording / Mixing

Earthboy - Bandaid + Chaser
Good Sadie Media

Production / Recording / Mixing

Weather Lore - si quieres un movimiento, muévete. Self ReleasedRecording / Mixing

Weather Lore - si quieres un movimiento, muévete.
Self Released

Recording / Mixing

Frontyards - Carlito Self-ReleasedProduction / Recording / Mixing / Mastering

Frontyards - Carlito

Production / Recording / Mixing / Mastering

Ephraim Huit - Rest Self-ReleasedProduction / Recording / Mixing / Performance

Ephraim Huit - Rest

Production / Recording / Mixing / Performance

Toasted Plastic - June Highs Self-ReleasedProduction / Recording / Mixing / Performance

Toasted Plastic - June Highs

Production / Recording / Mixing / Performance